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​​​​​​​​​​Fiscal Court.jpg

The governing body of Shelby County consists of a Fiscal Court, elected to serve a four year term. The Court is comprised of the County Judge Executive, elected at large by residents of the entire county, and seven magistrates, elected by residents of their corresponding districts District Map​ .

The Kentucky Constitution of 1891 gave the name "Fiscal Court" to the body in each county that would act as that county's government. In Shelby County, the Fiscal Court is composed of a County Judge/Executive and seven County Magistrates. Each member of the Fiscal Court serves a 4-year term. The title "County Judge/Executive" is a blending of the past and the present, going back to the time when the person elected to this position also presided over judicial proceedings. Although those responsibilities were transferred to Kentucky's court system in 1978, the title remained.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Request to be Placed on the Fiscal Court Agenda

Shelby County residents are permitted to address the members of Fiscal Court at a Fiscal Court meeting if an official request is made and approved. Requests must be received no later than 3pm the Thursday prior to the court meeting requested.

Please complete Addition to Agenda Request Form and submit to the Judge Executive’s office.  If approved, you will be notified, and you will have three minutes to address the members of the court on the date assigned.



Where: Regularly scheduled meetings are held at the Courthouse at 501 Main Street in Shelbyville.

When: Twice a month: the first and third Tuesday. The first Tuesday meeting is held in the evening at 6:00 PM. The third Tuesday meeting begins at 10 AM.


  • ​The Special Funds Committee: will be opening up for applications for Opioid funding requests for 30 days. The time frame to submit applications will be from today, February 18, 2025, to March 20, 2025. All applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. All applications must be submitted with complete documentation in order to be submitted to the committee for review. Please note, there are minimal funds available at this time.​

  • ​EMS Committee Special Called MeetingPer KRS 61.823, this is a public notice that there will be a Special EMS Committee Meeting held at the courthouse located at 501 Main St., Shelbyville, KY 40065, on February 26, 2025, at 8:00 am. All interested persons in Shelby County are invited to the meeting.​