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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What We Do

The Office of the Shelby County Treasurer administers the financial affairs of the Fiscal Court.  The office is responsible for budget compliance, reporting financial information, processing of all financial transactions, investment policy and providing analytical data to the Fiscal Court with recommendations regarding financial decisions.​

Federal Fiscal Recovery Funds

 Effective 10/17/2023, The Special Funds Committee has closed the application process for ARPA Funds. 

Please continue to monitor our website for announcements and status updates regarding these funds. 

Funding Request Application Form (Final Rule).xls

*Please note that there are three tabs to this application:  Application; Checklist; and Instructions to Submit Request​.  Please read all documents and follow all instructions prior to submitting your request.

Flow Chart Application Process.png

Here are some links provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury that will help guide you:

U.S. Dept. of Treasury: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds


U.S. Dept. of Treasury: Frequently Asked​ Questions

The Shelby County Fiscal Court's application process of the ARPA Funds will be conducted in compliance with all requirements pursuant to CFR PART 22 - nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of the Treasury.

ARPA Procurement Policy.pdf

Opioid Funds

Effective 2/18/2025,The Special Funds Committee will be opening up for applications for Opioid funding requests for 30 days. The time frame to submit applications will be from today, February 18, 2025, to March 20, 2025. All applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. All applications must be submitted with complete documentation in order to be submitted to the committee for review. Please note, there are minimal funds available at this time. 

Effective 2/20/2024, the Special Fund Committee has temporarily reopened the Opioid applications to government and quasi government. Please note, there are minimal funds available at this time. 

Please review the below documents that provide a list of remediation uses prior to submitting your applications.

To obtain an application with instructions, please click on the link below. 

 Opiod Application​

Instructions on how to complete and submit Opioid Application UPDATED.pdf

​Please review the below documents that provide a list of remediation uses prior to submitting your applications.

​ KRS 15.291 (Opioid).pdf

Exhibit E from Final-Distributor-Settlement-Agreement.pdf

Annual Budgets


Please find older annual budgets here.

Annual Financial Statements

Please find older annual financial statements here.

Quarterly Financial Statements

Please find older quarterly financial statements here.

Important Information​​/Links

Shelby County Treasurer

S McGee.jpg

Sheila McGee

501 Main Street, Suite 15
Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065

Phone: (502) 633-1220

Fax: (502) 633-7623​​
Samantha Montgomery.jpg

Samantha Montgomery
Finance Officer​

Phone: (502) 633-1220 ext.226

A Whisman.jpg

​Alicia Whisman

Finance Clerk

Phone: (502) 633-1220 ext.230

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Closed all major holidays.